Be still and know…

…that being still doesn’t mean doing nothing. It is the opposite of nothing.  Being still means having inner peace – being fully aware and accepting of who you are, where you are, and the season you are in.  I have found that with greater stillness (inner peace) comes a greater desire and ability to do. Through stillness, I can work full-time, go back to school, attend football games, dance recitals, parent teacher meetings, have date nights, volunteer in the community, and be fully present in each moment because I have the peace of knowing that at any one of those moments I am exactly where I am supposed to be, operating exactly as I am called.

Psalm 131: 2 says: But I have calmed and quieted my soul, like a weaned child with its mother; like a weaned child is my soul within me.   As a mother of two, this speaks to me.  Weaning a child off anything is not fun! But think about what happens after the weaning is complete.  The crying stops, the tears go away and development occurs exponentially.

As adults we sometimes have to wean ourselves in order to develop. We have to wean from unhealthy relationships, dead-end jobs, addictions, (our old selves) , to become the new versions of ourselves our Creator has designed us be.  Growth is uncomfortable and with purpose comes much pain, but patience requires perseverance that leads to Inner Peace.

April J.

Welcome to the Still Space!

Welcome to where all are welcome. Although I am inspired by the Scripture, Psalm 46:10 (and the entire Bible), this is more of a journey than a blog about the Bible.  This is a place to be open and honest about the difficult task of finding true inner peace and defining one’s purpose in life.  My goal is to inspire others to become more connected with their true selves, gain a deeper understanding and join me as I share the victories and failures I encounter as I continue to discover my own self.  While most of my posts are biblically  based, you do not have to be a Christian to gain from this blog. In fact if you are not a Christian and have never read the Bible, I am certain you will find some commonalities based on principle.  All you have to do is be willing to learn, share, be still, and know….

Peace and blessings,